
Medieval Times at Los Álamos

The highlight of Cultural Week at Los Álamos was the Medieval Fair, hosted by the 9th graders and their teachers and open to the entire student body. The Fair took place in the gymnasium, and students in medieval costumes behind merchants' stands "sold" spices, baked goods, candles, baskets, and even homemade soap. One side of the gym housed arts and crafts, which consisted of pottery, sewing, and mosaics. Also spotted at the fair were a beggar, a jester, a fortune teller, and Death.

A merchant gives to a beggar

Arts and Crafts - sewing

Fantastic costumes

Members of the Faculty

Spice Stand

Me (reporter) with two of my students + Death

A beloved faculty member and organizer of the fair, Justo 

 Some kind of metalwork

Arts and Crafts - pottery

Where I obviously spent most of my time 
(devouring homemade baked goods brought by students and faculty 
who insisted I try every type - without much resistance on my part)

A medieval lady sees her fortune in a crystal ball

Candle Vendors

And arguably the best part was that we had only a half-day of school that day.

This was the first Medieval Fair at Los Álamos, and the entire school seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. I'm blessed to work for a school that puts on fun events such as these.

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