
duck tales

As a follow up to the Real Alcázar post, I feel I must include my photos of the royal ducks. Becca and I had a hilarious time hanging out with these waddling little birds, and I got some pretty good photos out of the encounter.
First, Becca tried to bother them...

oh hey pretty

hey there handsome

my personal fave, curvy girl:

beautiful blue:

mom & dad

And then after spending plenty of time chasing, photographing, and laughing at the ducks, we stumbled upon this little duck haven (with a chain to block us humans):
(Dad, we especially thought of you the whole time we were with the ducks. And Mom, we realized that we were following in your crazy footsteps when we couldn't help but compare the ducks to Biggie.) 

I hope you find the duck tales to be cuter than you find my obsession embarassing.

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